Monday, December 4, 2006

Christmas Spectacular and a Rant

Well, after weeks of rehearsals, our church Christmas concert has now come and gone. I play the French Horn in the orchestra. We gave two performances today at 2:00 and 6:00, both with packed audiences. It was all quite an extravaganza of a production. The music, lighting, and total effect was beautiful and moving. I really enjoy playing in things like that. Next Sunday, the orchestra I play in will be giving a Christmas performance at a historic theater downtown. I do believe all the tickets have already sold out. Should be great!

The guys in the show had to wear tuxedos - I've had mine since I was a senior in high school, and it still fits mostly. But I discovered that the pants have become a bit tight. I'll either have to start exercising more than I do already, which is quite a bit, or just buy a new pair of pants for the tux the next time I have to wear the thing.

My parents came to the 2:00 pm performance today and I was very glad to see them there. They're always so supportive of all of us and I really appreciate that. I wish my brothers could have come too, but the middle one is still in school up north (but flies home later this week - yea!), and the youngest one (in high school) just doesn't like to get out to go to those type of things I guess - although he always ends up having a great time once he's there. Perhaps I can coax him into going to the show next week (I think the rest are already planning to attend).

I invited a few friends to come to one of the performances today - they had said they would probably come to the 6:00 pm show. Did any of them show up? No. I'm continually learning that that is the way people are, friends or not. I certainly know that if the scenario were reversed, I would have gone to see one of my friends in something like that. And I would have gone because I actually would have wanted to go, not because I would have felt obligated to go. After the last performance I came home to my apartment that I share with two other college buddies to find one of them lounging on the couch watching some mindless crap on the television. I suppose that's what's been going on around the old apartment all day - TV watching. Oh well, at least I know I'm participating in something that I both enjoy and that I know serves to lift peoples' spirits.

Apparently one of my roommate's parents came in to the city today just to repair his car for him - took them all day to do it. Well, this evening after I got back from the performance at church, I went to workout, exercise, and run. Afterwards, when I got out of the shower and reached for my bath towel, I discovered that it was literally covered in black grease and motor oil. What kind of person would do such a thing? Is there such a thing as common courtesy? I would never do something like that to someone else's stuff.

I think I've about had it with people in general. I feel like I bend over backwards for people, going all over creation and to hell and back for them, doing things for them that they don't even seem to appreciate. Not asking anything in return. But then I always seem to get run over - or at least it feels that way - no matter how nice I am to people, and how happy, positive, and encouraging I act towards others. What is wrong with this picture? Deep-down do people not like to be around happy, positive, and encouraging persons? Is that why we get taken advantage of? Oh well, I won't stop being nice and kind to people, and I won't stop being happy and positive and encouraging towards others. It's simply not in my nature or personality to behave otherwise.

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