Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Book Writing

About a month ago, one of my younger brothers and I decided to start writing a book about our adventurous travels in South America this past summer. This particular jaunt included wandering around Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, as well as Mexico (on the return back to the United States). In addition to typing up all our journals, we've also come up with a tentative outline. However, neither of us have really had that much time to devote to this project lately due to us both being in school - he in college and I in two masters programs. I also have a job. I hope we'll be able to put more time into the book over the Christmas break - maybe. We need to consolidate both our journals, polish them up, contextualize them, link them all together, and a lot more bits and pieces to the overall tale. Its something I would really like to do though. Other people write books - I mean look at all the books available in a local bookstore, not to mention online. So, why shouldn't we be able to as well. We're both decent writers. And we have an interesting story to tell. I imagine this book will somewhat be geared toward the so called "armchair" travelers out there and other people who enjoy reading travel writing. In any event, if we don't actually get a book published, I would certainly hope we could get a couple of travel articles into some magazines. Time will tell. But the prospect of this really excites me - as does many things related to traveling.

I'm also working on a couple of scholarly journal articles based on my geography master of science thesis. I'll coauthor one with my major professor, and I hope to get at least one submitted by the end of the year. I'm also trying to get a couple of research papers based on my thesis ready to present at a geography conference in San Francisco in the spring. All in good fun for a budding academic professional geographer.

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