Friday, November 24, 2006


Well, I certainly had a fun and filling Thanksgiving Day. Although Thanksgiving for us is typically held at the grandparents house, an aunt and uncle (mom's brother) decided to have it at their place this year. Now, this aunt isn't particularly a very friendly aunt to the rest of the extended family (or in general supposedly - I mean, the lady had their little Yorkie put to sleep for no good reason the other day). The uncle is always nice to all of us, but their kids weren't very talkative around the rest of us or the other cousins either. My youngest brother (another younger brother couldn't make it home for Thanksgiving) a couple of other cousins, and I all had a great conversation over lunch, but the kids of the aunt who lived there didn't seem to chime in at all. I tried to include them, but it didn't really work. Are we not good enough for their level of sophistication?

The lunch consisted of turkey, ham, green bean casserole, jello salad, sweet potato casserole, chicken dressing, rolls, and pecan pie, coconut cake, and cheesecake for dessert. After the meal, we saw the aunt pouring the leftover sweet potato casserole down the disposal in the kitchen sink. As if no one else wanted to eat any leftovers? There's always room for leftovers eventually - that's one of the grand things about holiday meals! I would have taken them with me and ate them later if no one else wanted them (which was not the case of course). She just doesn't like sweet potatoes apparently. Oh well. At any rate, people usually leisurely hang around after a Holiday meal when it is elsewhere. Well, not here. Not an hour or so had gone by before it was "time to leave". It was just as well though. We took my grandparents back to their house before heading home ourselves and taking naps.

Well, this evening after napping a while, we went to try to go see the new James Bond movie - "Casino Royale" - but it was sold out. So we then went to visit another aunt and uncle (mom's youngest brother) and their family. After staying there a while and eating a piece of cheesecake, we went to catch a later showing of James Bond at a different theater. When walking into the actual room we ran into another cousin and one of his friends. I thought they had gone out of town to have Thanksgiving with their dad's mother, but apparently, as it turns out, they had just had it at their house so they wouldn't have to be around this particular "aunt". hmm...interesting I would say.

I really enjoyed the James Bond movie, and usually always like films of that genre. I like the action and intrigue and also the flitting around from one country after another (i.e. traveling, which I love of course). Speaking of movies, I saw a preview for the fifth Harry Potter movie the other day ("The Order of the Phoenix"), which is due out next July I believe. I absolutely love reading those books, and have thoroughly enjoyed the films as well - and will certainly be looking forward to this one.

Anyway, I'm not planning to get out in the mad rush of day after Thanksgiving shoppers in the morning. I think we'll stay around here and decorate the house for Christmas.

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