Sunday, November 26, 2006

Activities of the Past Few Days

I heard this interesting anecdote this morning about Rudyard Kipling (a British author born in India; one of the most popular writers in English, in both prose and verse, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1907):

At the height of Rudyard Kipling's popularity, he is said to have earned about $1 a word (around $20 today). This inspired a certain autograph hound, who had been unsuccessful in obtaining the great man's signature, to try again. He sent off a letter that he was sure would produce the desired result: "I see you get $1 a word for your writing. I enclose a check for $1. Please send me a sample." The writer replied by postcard -- unsigned: "Thanks."

Anyway, I thought that was humorous.

Well, the past few days have been absolutely beautiful - warm and sunny! Friday afternoon, my brother, mom, and I helped get my grandparents Christmas decorations out of their attic (we would return on Saturday to help them finish the decorating process). Friday night I went to a football game at the high school I graduated from. We won 39 to 14. The MTV television trucks were there in full force filming the second season of their reality TV series "Two-A-Days". I ran into several people I attended high school with - along with some of the band directors (I was in the band). It was interesting to find out what some of them are up to these days, and what some of their family members are now doing.

Saturday, we visited a friend who works at Radio Shack and made a purchase from them to help their commission. Then went to grandparents and helped them finish decorating for Christmas. Had dinner there as well - a friend brought them a huge pan of fettucini alfredo, salad, and bread. Saturday evening I started researching and writing a paper thats due Monday evening - I know, I'm a procrastinator. But I always get the job done, and I get it done well. Grades always turn out fantastic anyway.

Went to church this morning, played in the orchestra. Had lunch at grandparents (more noodles), boiled potato with sour cream, and apple salad. Then I worked more on the research paper. All afternoon was spent in orchestra/choir rehearsal at church for our Christmas programs which are next Sunday. After that, I had a steak dinner at my family's house. Then, I returned to my apartment to finish the research paper, which I just completed.

I'm getting up real early in the morning to play in a brass quintet on a local radio program to advertise for our Christmas programs. That should be fun and exciting, and I'm looking forward to it!

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