Monday, July 23, 2007

Getting Ready to Move

Well, its hard to believe the time has come to pack up and move again. I'm getting ready to move all my stuff this coming weekend to the townhouse I bought in Charlotte, NC. This year has gone by fast, but I am excited about this new adventure of beginning work on a Ph.D. Although I'm moving most of my stuff this weekend, which is when most people could help me move, I'll come back home to finish up working at my job. I'll probably start staying at my place in Charlotte sometime after August 10 I suppose. We're supposed to spend a few days in the Blue Ridge mountains in western NC at some point around that time. The semester at school starts August 20, with some new graduate student orientations a few days before then.

August 30 I'm flying over to China to visit my brother who is studying in Beijing for half a year, until December. I'll actually meet up with him in Shanghai, we'll look around there and then make our way up to Beijing, look around that area, and then I'll fly out of the capital on September 9. I'm getting really excited.

So, lots of activities coming up and lots to look forward to!

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