Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Home Again

Well, my brother James and I arrived home safely around 1:00 am Sunday morning from our five week adventure in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Mexico. It was quite an amazing journey - volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and all. I've posted some backdated entries of some emails I sent out throughout the trip if anyone would like to read about some of the things we did and saw.

I think we spent much more time in airports (Mexico City and Atlanta) Saturday afternoon and evening than we actually did flying between the two cities (about a 3 hour flight). Security was very tight on both ends. Getting on the plane, everyone and everything was hand searched and absolutely nothing even resembling a liquid or a gel was allowed. I even saw women having to throw away their lipstick before getting on board. The line for immigration in Atlanta was very long as usual - took over an hour. Then we were re-screened through another security checkpoint in order to ride the train from the international concourse to the main terminal to collect our luggage, which didn't emerge until probably an hour and a half later.

At any rate, its always fun to go and see other places, but its always nice to arrive back to home sweet home as well. But, there's a lot of the world left to see! As one of my geography professors told me: "I'm pleased it [your journey] is going well, and especially that you are following a time-honored tradition among serious geographers - getting yourself out into the real world and making direct observations about the land and peoples of our fascinating world."

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