Sunday, October 19, 2008

Again, It's Been a While...

...Almost a year since I last wrote here. I'm now in my third semester (second year) of this geography Ph.D. degree. I'm taking three courses this fall (Applied Regional Analysis; Research Design Fundamentals; and an Independent Study), am working as a teaching assistant (for Introduction to Urban Studies), and am also teaching a class (Freshman Seminar).  I've been doing a lot of hiking in the mountains this year on weekends with other friends from the geography department.  I wish I had kept a written record on here of the different hikes I've been on and places I've been. I have all the pictures of course and dates of when and where I went. So, perhaps in the near future I will add backdated entries on here to reflect my hiking and traveling experiences over the past year.

Today it is now actually cold here (for me anyway). I like warmer weather. But it was a crystal clear, beautiful day nonetheless. This semester is really flying by, probably because I am keeping entertained with all the courses mentioned above. I'll be looking forward to visiting home in November for a cousin's wedding and for Thanksgiving. I haven't been home since early July. Looking forward to seeing everyone!!

Okay, that's probably enough for now.