Monday, November 12, 2007

Geography Awareness Week

Geography Awareness Week is November 11 - 17, 2007. The theme this year is Asia.
National Geographic - Geography Action (Geography Awareness Week website)

The week spotlights the importance of a foundational geographic knowledge in this increasingly globalized world in which we live.

The following survey shows how Americans in general need a more thorough grounding in geographic literacy:
National Geographic-Roper Survey 2006

And here is a link to an article I wrote a couple of years ago:
Geographic Knowledge in America is Severely Lacking

It's Been A While

Well, it has been quite a while since I last wrote anything one here. So, what have I done between then and now?
-Moved stuff to Charlotte, North Carolina at the end of July.
-Finished my job at Bancography and my second masters degree in Educational Leadership at UAB in Birmingham during the first week of August.
-Moved more stuff to Charlotte and went to Blue Ridge mountains in western NC during the second week of August, then went back to Charlotte for start of my first semester in the geography Ph.D. program at UNC-Charlotte.
-Traveled to China August 30 - September 9 to visit one of my brothers. We (my brother, another friend, and I) went to Shanghai, Tunxi, Huangshan, Beijing, and the Great Wall at Jinshanling and Simatai. I will try to post some backdated entries of my travel journal of this trip at some point in the near future. It was a quick, but amazing trip -- my second trip to China, and third trip to Asia.
-Began visiting a church in Charlotte and started playing in their church orchestra: Hickory Grove Baptist Church
-Hiked in Stone Mountain State Park in northern North Carolina with some friends from the geography department.
-Went home to Birmingham during fall break in October 5-10, and had some nice visits with family and friends.
-Went to Columbia, SC for a conference on Latino Migration to the U.S. South, October 11-13.
-Went backpacking in the Shining Rock Wilderness of Pisgah National Forest in western North Carolina, west of Asheville, one weekend later in October with some friends from the geography department.
-Other than that: keeping busy with four Ph.D. courses (so much reading and projects!!!), research assistantship work, making many great new friends in Charlotte, renting out two of my extra bedrooms in my 3-bedroom townhouse that I bought, playing in a church orchestra, UNCC intramural soccer, getting ready for conference presentations, hiking a few of the weekends, hanging out with friends, and lots of other fun activities!

Upcoming events:
-Conference in Charleston, SC
-Home to Birmingham for Thanksgiving
-Back to Charlotte
-Back to Birmingham for a cousin's wedding
-Back to Charlotte to finish the fall semester
-Home to Birmingham for Christmas and New Year!!
-Spring semester at UNCC begins January 8 or 9, 2008.